MemeNFT Marketplace Launch Put On Hold: Why This Is Great News!

4 min readFeb 15, 2022


Written By Vee Zee and Rain, January 15th, 2022

If you’re new to the crypto NFT marketplace or have been burnt by platform launches before, then there might be a little voice in your head right now telling you to sell your MemeNFT Tokens because your brain says, “OMG! The crap just hit the fan! This is bad! I have to get out of here!” Hold that thought. Here’s why MemeNFT’s Marketplace delay is a good thing and why you should hold onto your MemeNFT Tokens for dear life.

Photo credit: Cnet

Safety And Security

Originally, MemeNFTs Marketplace launch was scheduled for February 7th, 2022. However, due to unforeseen contract issues, the up and coming marketplace’s launch is now slated for a later date. During MemeNFT’s Ask Me Anything (AMA) Meeting on Sunday, a few investors raised concerns about delaying marketplace launch. While this may have dissuaded the paper-hand token holders, diehard investors know that kinks in crypto contracts will only lead to more problems down the road. MemeNFT’s commitment to a safe contract for marketplace users is just one of the many reasons to keep investing in MemeNFT. Rather than try to fix a code that turned out to be riddled with errors — MemeNFT Team Members decided to rewrite the entire back-end— enlisting the services of a group of Certik certified developers to ensure a safe and secure marketplace back-end. MemeNFT’s dedication to creating a token and marketplace that protects and benefits its investors is relentless.

Photo credit: Coindesk

Buy The Dip

With up to an eight-week postponement looming in the fore ground, there might be a dip in MemeNFT’s token price. Wise investors will not only hold their current MemeNFT Tokens, but also use this opportunity to wait until the lowest dipping point of the token to buy more MemeNFT Tokens. After-all, the cheaper the token at purchase, the more tokens one can acquire. Furthermore, the more MemeNFT tokens one has when the chart starts heading to the moon — the more exponential the growth of one’s wallet when MemeNFT reaches their final destination. For some holders, this will be just another opportunity they let slip through their fingers. For a true MemeNFT Token holder, this experience will be life changing. So, keep holding those tokens folks!

Photo credit: VeeZeeNFT

Patience Is A Virtue

Ever hear about people forgetting about their crypto investments? Honestly, it happens more than anyone wants to admit. Yet, to the patient/forgetful investor go the spoils. Often, a crypto investor will get busy with other investments or things in their lives only to be reminded of their wallets later on — when the token price has sky rocketed — and they are now millionaires or billionaires. In certain cases, people have waited over 2 years before discovering their exuberant wealth — which really puts things into perspective for current MemeNFT token holders — meaning six to eight weeks is nothing. Untwist your panties and buckle up for the ride folks because this MemeNFT rollercoaster is headed straight into orbit! In the meantime, drink some chai tea, do some yoga, and stop believing you are instantly owed a lambo. Great things take time, effort, and commitment.

Photo credit: Wallpaperflare

Commitment To Holding

In times of adversity, all project and token investors, including MemeNFT, need to present a united front. Meaning, until launch, all token holders need to continue holding their tokens like the awesome, committed MemeNFT lovers we know them as in Telegram Chat. The project has not changed, so neither should the investors’ decisions to hold. Furthermore, continuing to hold will only make the value of the token stronger as we move toward launch.

Photo credit: Clearlypayments

Team Transparency

Lastly, the most important reason to continue holding is because MemeNFT’s Core Team is on it! They have always given clear and concise reports and updates regarding MemeNFTs Marketplace Launch. Additionally, this team has always been committed to making sure their investors have important marketplace and token information in front of them ASAP, so MemeNFT investors can make informed, accurate snapshot decisions.

Photo credit: MemeNFT telegram

To conclude, MemeNFT is the future. The team will lead this project and platform to be the top performing and go-to NFT platform. At the end of the day, the question is: Are you coming along for the ride?

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MemeNFT is the world’s most accessible NFT platform. From JPEGs, to music, and of course, all-things-meme.